Residents living within the BLUE highlighted area on the attached map are being served by the Bridgeland North water distribution system which blends potable water from groundwater wells (on site) and surface water received from the West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA). WHCRWA is the entity that sells Bridgeland surface water. The WHCRWA purchases its water from the City of Houston (CoH). Currently, CoH is experiencing a city-wide record high demand for potable water due to the extreme weather conditions. The City has requested its own retail customers and contract water customers (i.e.,WHCRWA) to voluntarily converse potable water usage to satisfy the high demand. Due to the cooperation of the residents in WHCRWA and the CoH, the system was able to maintain acceptable pressure last night and stay within drinking water guidelines as required to prevent a Boil Water Notice (BWN). Today the tanks are slowly refilling and if we, as a community, can continue to work together and maintain a conservative usage pattern, we can bring the system back up to full capacity.
We understand that some homes have been affected by water leaks and pipes because of the freeze, which also impacts the overall systemā€™s water pressure. Inframark has dispatched numerous crews around the clock over the last several days (and continues to do so) to support residents who have been affected by frozen or broken pipes as it is our priority to support the community and maintain adequate water pressure. Please contact Inframark 24/7 at 281-398-8211 if you see any leaking water regardless of where it is, or your neighbor have been impacted by the freeze and need help shutting your water off or evaluating an issue.
We will continue to monitor the system and provide our next update this evening or earlier if conditions change. Please share this email with your neighbors and encourage them to visit their specific MUD website for more information.
We thank you for your assistance in keeping our potable water supply safe and viable.